Simple Location 4.1.6/7 Released

I didn’t plan on doing another Simple Location run, or having to immediately release a fix due a mistake. This change was prompted by a new request to allow for saving maps locally.

For various reasons, I was reluctant to do that. But I came up with another solution. Adding a map provider that supports a custom hosted service. In this case, a fork of a Static Maps API written 6 years ago by someone I know. You can find my fork here.

By using a self-hosted but external static map API, I keep the option out of the plugin for now.  It will also work with anything that implements the same API.

In the same update, I also fixed a few bugs, and added moonrise and moonset calculations, which display along with sunrise, sunset, and moon phase in the Last Seen widget for now.


Simple Location 4.1.5 Released

weather widget design
Newly Released Weather Widget Design

This evening I released Simple Location 4.1.5. This was prompted by the realization that Wikimedia Maps was no longer permitting third-party usage.

  • I replaced it with Yandex Maps, which doesn’t require an API key either for non-commercial use. I may additional Yandex services in future.
  • I also added Geoapify as a map provider…I may also add in its geocoding service in future.
  • Open Route Service, as it is an open initiative, is now supported as a geolocation/elevation provider.  I like to support any open source options when I can.
  • Preliminary Moon Phase calculation, though the formula is not up to my standards and needs to be replaced. I spent 20 minutes on it and I spent a week learning enough about how to adjust the sunrise and sunset based on location and elevation.

In the last major update to Simple Location, 4.1, I added in additional icon sets. In this version, I redid the presentation of all of the widgets to show additional properties and standardized all the widgets so they use the same display logic.

So what is next:

  • In a previous version, I switched to storing everything in metric(meters, celsius, etc).  I already convert back to imperial measurement for temperature if the configuration option is set. I still need to do so for other metrics…as I’m showing visibility and rain in metric still. I need to do the same on the backend. But as someone who uses Fahrenheit and Feet…I would use this.
  • I also continue to think of what other weather parameters I can offer and display. Heat index, dewpoint, which are derived from the humidity and temperature, would be relatively easy to answer.
  • Being able to pull in station data from my own weather station is still a goal. The issue with this is designing an implementation that is not limited to working only with my setup, and always pulls from my endpoint except if they are not available.
    • I have the concept of zones for location, which are areas around a location. Anything inside of a zone will be hidden on a post, and the label replaced with the zone name.
    • A long time ago, I declared I wanted to add venues for location, which would essentially be to allow for archive pages for locations.
    • Now I’m looking at stations, which would be a fixed weather location.

The above three things are too similar for me to feel comfortable going any further till I think about this. Zones may need to stay separate, as they are a privacy matter. But stations and venues are both public items…but no one posts from a weather station…they might post from a venue…so maybe I should build stations regardless.

If I do build the station model, it would likely merge custom stations like mine with station IDs from the Met Office, National Weather Service, OpenWeatherMap and AerisWeather, as well as any future services that support weather stations, and allow those to be kept in a list. It would then have to determine if it was close to such a station…and use that data. Not quite sure how to do that simply.


Thoughts on IndieWebCamp West

Over the weekend, I co-organized IndieWebCamp West 2020. This was a replacement for a physical event that I have attended for the last few years in Portland, Oregon. I attended many in-person IndieWebCamps last year, and it is looking like we won’t be having such things for the foreseeable future.

We’ve tried online IndieWebCamps before, but I felt we missed some opportunities in the past. So, we tried some new things. The whole event was conducted using Zoom.

  • A Cook Your Own Dinner pre-party where we shared a meal together and socialized.
  • A room serving as a ‘Hallway Track’ for off-topic chatting
  • Two rooms with 4 each.

The sessions were a good mix of conversation types. And even afterward, I found myself sitting up each night after the event just chatting with people. It was the first time I feel we captured more of the in-person Indieweb feeling by adding in those social opportunities.

Hoping for an East Coast timezone event later this year, and some popup sessions in between, to keep things alive. If not for the current state of the world, we might have had one IndieWebCamp a month in 2020. We’d already had one in February, an Online one, and one in March that was converted into a remote event last minute.

Doing IndieWebCamp West Hack Day, and added another Simple Location for WordPress trick. I was doing custom rewrite improvements for Post Kinds, and added the ability to generate map views from any taxonomy or user.  Just add /map to the archive URL.
Released Post Kinds for WordPress 3.3.4. this includes a refresh of the Parse This library, which adds a lot of improvements in getting data, some minor tweaks, and a bug fix for an issue where pagination was not working on the custom archive pages the plugin creates, such as /onthisday/06/09, /kind/article/2020, and /kind/photo/pool (tag), which were not working.
Released Simple Location 4.1.3. This fixes an issue raised where the Airport Weather Widget only accepted 3 letter airport codes, not 4. Now it accepts both, as I supported both in other places. I also added additional error handling to support this. At the same time, I replaced the ‘master’ branch with the ‘trunk’ branch and added deployment code to auto create a Github release going forward.
RSVPed Attending IndieWebCamp West

IndieWebCamp West 2020 is an online gathering for independent web creators of all kinds, from graphic artists, to designers, UX engineers, coders, hackers, to share ideas, actively work on creating for their own personal websites, and build upon each others creations.

Retroposting For Fun

Last spring, I started up my own Compass server. Compass is a location tracking server. Later on, I downloaded and extracted location tracking dating back to 2013 from Google Locations.

In honor of that, as my website can now dip into that data, I’ve gone into my photo archive to fill in the gaps on my website.

I set up this website in 2009, though I had sites before…and wasn’t really active on it till 2014. But, every so often, I do a little retroposting…some post throwpost posts, but for me, the difference is that I try to date it back to the day, sometimes the minute.

So this week, I’m revisiting June 2013. I added some photo posts for June 10, 2013. For all of these, the timestamps are based on the timestamp of the photo, and the location is pulled from where Google says I was at that time.  If I keep doing this, I may create the blog I should have been doing all this time.

I even added a map of my location that day, screenshot from Compass…in the future, I may replace it with a dynamically generated map using the data points stored…but as of this post, I have only some of that built.

Because, with the present involving some degree of isolation(future historians, there is a pandemic going on)…why not visit the past…?

Simple Location 4.1.0 Released

Simple Location has been updated. There is more I wanted to do, and will do to finish this, but this is what was released today.

  • AerisWeather is now a provider
  • A lot of code cleanup and documentation
  • Improvements to Airport data, adding of airline data, and additional data sources to avoid on demand download.
  • Standardization and documentation of units
  • Addition of the ability to set a custom icon instead of the location arrow.
  • Lots of improvements if you use Compass to what it can derive
  • Airport location provider now supports IATA and ICAO airport codes.

I did want to add local weather stations and a few other features, but I decided to release and work on those features later.