The last iteration used Twitter bootstrap. I built this one from the ground up. It’s still a work in progress, but putting it live while I build out more of the features.
Oldest Posts
MapWhile certainly I became familiar with him, like most people, through Star Trek, I remember his work in Never Forget, his poetry, the controversy over his decision to publish his photography, and many other things…I’ve tried to forget the singing.
While, after declaring he was and was not Spock, he’d come to terms with how much his most iconic character resonated with people, and it was never for the obvious reasons. The last thing Nimoy posted on Twitter, 4 days ago, was, “A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP.”
In the end, all I can say is what Dr. McCoy said about Spock when he died(although on film, nothing is ever permanent). “He’s not really dead. As long as we remember him.”
I’ve disagreed with members of the Indieweb community on many things….usually respectfully. I don’t understand Dave Winer’s venom on this matter. I very much respect what he’s done, and still use RSS regularly. But I really don’t like how he seems to be clinging to RSS. It seems to be, if you criticize RSS and think there is a different way, you are no friend of his.
In every community, there are hardliners. And certainly, many Indieweb people are very definitive in their views. But most recognize that you cannot just only support new standards and not have at least some support for older ones. You have to transition between the two.
In identifying the Feeds page of the Indieweb wiki as indicative of a philosophy, he is missing the point. The page identifies several trends. XML has been supplanted in many areas by other delivery methods…JSON, for example. Leaving aside HTML as a form of XML, the criticisms of traditional feeds are all legitimate ones.
So, in the end, the idea of embedding your feed markup inside your web page has some very real advantages. It means enhancing your site, rather than generating another copy of it in a different format. I appreciate that.
I also agree with Mr. Winer, if we “can get uptake for the formats they would like to replace RSS with, then everyone will support them. Until then, we use what works — for us.” Who is stopping you, sir?
If you think that you cannot adopt part of a group’s philosophy without having to buy into it all, then you would be wrong. We’re not working against you. We just disagree with you on one point. Let’s just agree to disagree and focus on moving forward the points we do agree on.
I was not on debate, but I had several pleasant conversations as a student with Richard Sodikow, who founded the Bronx Science debate team. He passed away last year. It makes me rather sad that this is associated with such a respected program.
Location Support
Once again, unveiling new features for the site. WordPress does not have built-in location support for posts by default. There is a Geolocation plugin that is not actively maintained and does not support HTML5 geolocation, which allows me to click a button and have the coordinates retrieved.
For those interested, the plugin, known as Simple Location, is now available for download in the WordPress Repository.
The map and address information are courtesy of OpenStreetMap.
Music video for “Minyan Man,” originally performed by Shlock Rock Video by Uri Westrich Minyan Man is featured on Shlock Rock’s la…