Replied to Thoughts Blog by Greg McVerryGreg McVerry (

Just paid for web upgrade to @pocketcasts as seems to be the only way to get history, hoping to download an OPML file or scrape history to publish listen posts., but after paid upgrade my history says “Once upon a time… All your played episodes will appear here.

I tried this ages ago, but it never worked for me. Has it changed?
Replied to by Greg McVerryGreg McVerry (

You begin with the wrong question. Don’t write because you want “others to care” write about what you care about and if you push content those who have similar interest will find you.

David Shanske is an encyclopedia of cool stuff! Get it out there. Set a challenge to write a 150 words a day for th…

I agree, but the question posed was why to publicly post, as opposed to private.
Replied to by Tantek ÇelikTantek Çelik (

I’ve posted a lot less, recently, and this past year.
As I’ve used social media less, many motivations for posting faded, replaced with questioning motivations for posting and interacting with posts publicly.
From a broader community, technology, and social perspective, I think we must…

I question whether or not anyone will care about what I am posting publicly and often talk myself out of it. I think the question is always why you want to share the information. But I know one of the reasons is because I hope to interact with others. The pieces for interaction…the plumbing of posting and responding, consuming with a reader are coming together. There are still some gaps to make it a smooth experience for many. I have made an effort to post more. But it is how easy I have made that which helps, and how rarely it starts a dialogue that disappoints me. The incentive for public posting is interaction as private posting is just for you.
Replied to JSON Feed for WordPress updated (

It has been over a year since JSON Feed was announced. There have been a bunch of discussions about expanding the specification, but we are very happy with how well the initial version has worked. It powers all blogs by default and is also used on many WordPress blogs, home-grown s…

It was my pleasure to take over JSONFeed for WordPress. All it needs is periodic maintenance and maybe the occasional improvement when suggested, especially if the spec iterates, either officially or unofficially.
Replied to Chris Messina™ on Twitter (Twitter)

“Is it time to resurrect the DiSo Project? Funny, we were here in 2006, @simonw: /cc @willnorris @steveivy @singpolyma”

People continued working on it. Everything you need using W3C standards like Webmention, Microformats2…give it a try?
Replied to Stepping back from POSSE by Ben WerdmüllerBen Werdmüller (Ben Werdmüller)

I’m also going to make a strong argument in the open source Known community that syndication should be limited to webhooks going forward. In other words, third parties will be able to create microservices with a standard API, which your Known or other indieweb-compatible site will be able to connect to. You could click a button to notify those services (or have your site do it automatically). But any kind of API maintenance would be taken out of the core code or official plugins. Not only is life too short, but it’s long past time to stop building code on top of centralized silos of content.

I have to agree with Ben. The Micropub plugin for WordPress triggers a WordPress hook based on syndication targets and I’m working on a compatible system for the Post Editor, so that the UI doesn’t need to know how the item is POSSEd.

This is because I also don’t want to deal with silo interfaces most of the time.

Replied to OAuth for the Open Web by Aaron PareckiAaron Parecki (Aaron Parecki)

OAuth has become the de facto standard for authorization and authentication on the web. Nearly every company with an API used by third party developers has implemented OAuth to enable people to build apps on top of it.
While OAuth is a great framework for this, the way it has ended up being used is …

IndieAuth, the extension to OAuth 2.0, was developed by Aaron Parecki and implemented by multiple people  in the IndieWeb community, including myself.

The problem has been that people conflated it with the service Aaron created as a reference implementation, which implemented IndieAuth for people who didn’t have it by using the OAuth services of sites like Twitter and Github to bootstrap the service.

Aaron succeeds here in finally conveying a point it took me a long time to understand, and partially only by reading and implementing one of these.

Was pleased to see the founder of Home Assistant, a product I use, tweeting that he would adopt this in that product. Looking forward to seeing what people come up with.

Replied to Topic: GDPR (DSGVO) by ueberseemaedchen ( forums)

Hi there, can you tell me please if Webmention collects any personal data on my blog? Maybe you heard of the GDPR in Europe, we have to declare if someone collects personal data… Thanks for your help!

I am very well aware of it, as a contributor, though I don’t live in the EU. And the author/creator of the plugin lives in the EU. The latest version adds some information on this into the plugin to try and make it clearer, but we continue to try to improve. Will try to clarify…This is a bit of a long explanation, but I feel that others may ask this question and want to try to help with the answer.

Disclaimer: Some of this is my interpretation and opinion. Anything technical is a fact as I understand it.

A webmention consists of two properties. A source URL and a target URL. So, when I link to a page on another site, a webmention is sent to that page if it supports it, telling it that I linked to it. The webmention plugin on the target side then generates and displays a link showing that site name(which it extracts from the title of the page) linked to that posts. Even under GDPR, linking to another site is not a personal data violation. Therefore, that is fine.

Now, there is a debate as to whether storing the IP address of the webmention is storing data. Webmention doesn’t actually need to do it…but WordPress does it for new comments by default. WordPress itself is looking into anonymizing that data to avoid the issue, and even though I myself don’t agree with that interpretation of the GDPR for personal use, as it doesn’t add anything to the presentation, I was going to, when the new functions are added, ensure they are applied to webmentions, which is a type of comment.

If you are concerned about data collection, the second plugin, Semantic Linkbacks, which is separate, is not required. But, I think the experience of Semantic Linkbacks is worth installing. Semantic Linkbacks reads the URL of the page that sends you the webmention for more information.

So that means it goes and looks at your page for your site name and author name, and instead of the generic page title, it tries to format your webmention as a better comment. It finds the name of the author of the page, the site name, title, etc.

But, webmentions require affirmative action. You have to link to me. Someone has to send one. If you didn’t want that outcome, why install the plugin that has this feature? So, if you have a privacy policy, you probably should outline that you receive webmentions and what you do with them…namely, display them.

So, the data that Semantic Linkbacks extracts does include information if your site is marked up to support it. So, if your author image is marked up as such, it will note this so it can display it. The image on your site is one you yourself chose to represent you. Same with the other information. It is basically trying to represent the link you made to the site accurately.

Any site that receives webmentions should respect any request to remove their display or purge the information. But webmention itself allows for this. If you send another webmention, it will update. So, if you take down the page, send another webmention and it will purge the comment. There’s even a form built into the Webmention plugin for that.

Under GDPR t0 my understanding, you have a right to see what data a site has on you and get a copy of it…we have that covered because the data is a copy of the page you yourself created. You have the right to correct incorrect data…there’s the update webmention functionality.

And if we didn’t, WordPress is building in tools for data export, deletion, and anomymization…regrettably though, they use email address as a way to extract comment and user data…something the plugin doesn’t collect.

I won’t speak for Matthias Pfefferle, who authored the plugin and has been kind enough to put up with my submissions to it, but he’s given me the impression that he takes this very seriously. And even though I don’t agree with the way people seem to be applying GDPR concerns to this, I respect their concerns enough to try to address them through plugin enhancements that will allow better controls over this.

As another side note, the WordPress Core team, who is scrambling to add GDPR tools to WordPress itself, didn’t consider Pingbacks and Trackbacks, built into WordPress, to be something to address  as a GDPR concern to my knowledge. Webmention functions the same way as those two in terms of what it does, although it is a newer specification.

Replied to The Indieweb privacy challenge (Webmentions, silo backfeeds, and the GDPR) by Sebastian Greger (

Originally intended to showcase a privacy-centred implementation of emerging social web technologies – with the aim to present a solution not initially motivated by legal requirements, but as an example of privacy-aware interaction design – my “social backfeed” design process unveiled intricate challenges for Indieweb sites, both for privacy in general and legal compliance in […]

I have been thinking about this issue a lot. GDPR seems to be everywhere, and I’m not sure that storing information on interactions is a privacy issue, but I want to respect people’s concerns. GDPR or not, I do not think this is a use case the law intended to prevent.

You use the WordPress suite of plugins. And being as I’m as regular contributor, there are a few ideas I’ve floating that I think are a good start, and invite you to contribute more.

  1. Add text to the Webmention form that explains how to use it to delete a mention. Since the form can be used without supporting webmentions on your own site, this is something that should be made clear.
  2. Add Setting to not display avatar/photo
  3. Add ability to edit mentions, to correct inaccurate data.
  4. Add setting to store more/less data.
  5. Add privacy policy to plugin for those who install it and add text/link to webmention form.
  6. Explain how to request a takedown of information.
  7. Periodically poll/refresh sources.
  8. Allow a different level of processing for ‘native’ webmentions vs backfeed run through a service like Bridgy.

This doesn’t solve all of the problems necessarily, but I think these ideas are a good faith effort in that direction.


Replied to (Mel Choyce)

At the urging of some colleagues, I’ve started working with a professional coach to help me work through some obstacles I encountered in this last year as a WordPress focus lead. I’m fortunate in that Automattic will pay for me to receive ten coaching sessions per year.

(Since I’m also taking a…

I envy that. Sometimes I feel I could use some professional and personal development, but the closest I get is buying myself books on the subject.
Replied to An update to read posts for physical books by Chris AldrichChris Aldrich (Chris Aldrich | BoffoSocko)

Inspired by gRegor Morrill’s IndieWebCamp Austin project, I went back and took a look at some of my read posts, and particularly for books.
For online material, I use the Post Kinds Plugin which does a good job of adding h-cite and p-read-of (experimental) microformats classes to the data for the…

This just gave me an idea…