Tomorrow I am going to be once again spending time in Manila. It has been on my mind lately, as it is a long journey and a hard trip. But, I intend to make the best of it and be as productive as possible.
Kind:short content: a post or status update with just plain content and typically without a title
Saturday night show
Sitting at the airport in Portland, waiting for the flight to NYC.
Starting my first day of visiting the Seattle area. Expect pictures and other items to be posted to my website.
Somewhere 35000 feet over Montana on JetBlue flight 236 to Seattle.
I’ve decided I’m leaving Facebook…sort of. It starts with how I interface this site to Facebook…a site called Bridgy. It provides the ability to publish to Facebook and backfeed your comments back to my site.
Ryan Barrett, the man behind Bridgy and someone I probably pester entirely too often, announced on Thursday that he was shuttering Bridgy for Facebook entirely, as recent Facebook API changes had made it impossible for the service to work.
So now, if I want to post to Facebook, I would have to do so myself. I’m not sure I always want to do that, so you might see even less of me there. Sometimes, I likely will. And I won’t be able to save the interactions unless I manually save them.
Oh, well. Guess there is always Twitter.
Watching the Google I/O Keynote. They are saying Hey, Google a lot. Had to mute my Google Home.
Etiquette question: You are sitting at a table in a public place, reading quietly and drinking a beverage. At the adjoining table is an individual watching a video, volume turned all the way up, and no headphones. What is the correct course of action?
The IndieAuth plugin update I was writing about last week finally got released to the WordPress repository. It’s a great development for the community. You can now use your website to log into a variety of different services.
Getting my car serviced.
Kosher hibachi, what a concept.
For a while now, my website has been able to ask the browser for its location and use that to add location to posts. The problem is it is frequently inaccurate. So, I’ve been working on allowing my website to query other information sources to find out my location. The first one is my home automation system, which tracks my location to determine if I’m in the house or not. The same system also has the data from my weather station…I also post weather on my site. So, by doing this I can have the most accurate information when I post. Although it thinks I am next door when I check it against my house.
Replaced my front doorknob, changed the battery in my security camera, arranged a refund and warranty replacement for a malfunctioning component, made it so the recessed light over my TV turns off when the TV turns on, continued my redesign of a part of my website posting interface, went shopping and got some supplies for the next week or two, found some paperwork to try to renew my driver’s license for a second time and still got to get extra sleep…why can’t I be this productive during the week?
Once again at 37000 ft.
Waiting for JetBlue 1472 to LaGuardia. Less delayed than originally planned.