Played Ticket to Ride USA – Long Route Variant
In this unofficial variant, the European rules are used. TTR Europe has long routes and short routes, and you pick 1 long and 3 short to start, the remaining long being put aside for the game. To reproduce this all cards with a point value of 16 or higher, 13 in all, were separated to create the long route set. This variant also used the Globetrotter card for most tickets collected, as opposed to the longest continuous route(although I think I got that too).

And black triumphs yet again.

Watched The Patterpalooza Project – Episode 2 by New York Gilbert & Sullivan Players from

Episode 2
“My Name is John Wellington Wells”
Performed by James Mills, Hosted by Albert Bergeret, Directed by James Mills. Pianist: Elizabeth Rodgers, Director of Photography: Danny Bristoll.

I’m really enjoying the NYG&SP and how they are trying to keep things going in the pandemic.