Library Waives $7,600 Fee For Book 91-Year-Old Man Returned 61 Years Late Bookmarked New Florida University Unveils Bookless Library ( I’d have thrown the book at him… David Shanske My day job is in training for an airline. I also develop Indieweb WordPress plugins so that others can take control of their online identity.
Naomi Swerdlow, I was speaking figuratively, not literally. I would have taken the $7,600 and bought some books for students. Reply
That reminds me of an episode of Seinfeld.
hey! he forgot about it and wanted to do the right thing, poor old guy
Naomi Swerdlow, I was speaking figuratively, not literally. I would have taken the $7,600 and bought some books for students.
from an old guy like that? you can’t blame him for what he did so many years ago!!!
he prob can’t afford that
How do you know?
most people can’t these days let alone someone that old
You advocate for the poor old man. I advocate for the students denied literary funds.
it is not that poor old guy’s fault the students are denied literary funds