EI159 from London-Heathrow to Dublin, with connections to EI109 to JFK.
Last Updated
MapJetBlue Flight 272 to LaGuardia
JetBlue Flight 1572 to LaGuardia
Last stop on the tour.
Checked into Bunratty Castle & Folk Park.

Syndication Links for WordPress Version 4.4 Released
Version 4.4 of Syndication Links is a major rewrite of the code to cleanup the plugin. It fixes a bunch of small issues, as well as adds new features.
- A new filter tells the plugin to add or not add the links to the content in the event your theme supports directly displaying it
- Add an option to specify which post types will present syndication options
- Add an option to disable forking syndication into the background in the Post Editor and doing it immediately.
- A newly redesigned settings page
- Fix of an issue with Mastodon Autoposter
The biggest new feature is the introduction of support for both Bridgy via Webmention and Bridgy via Micropub. In this first version, it just converts wordpress properties to Micropub properties. It may be necessary to become more opinionated in future versions and feedback is welcome.