Replied to by Chris AldrichChris Aldrich (

Replied to a tweet by David Chartier David Chartier (Twitter)
#LazyWeb Anyone know if there’s a way to import a bookmarks HTML/OPML file (from something like Pinboard or Dropmark) into WordPress as individual posts? Ideally, individual link posts?

I’m tinkering with using WordPress for bookmark sav…

I have yet to build the infrastructure for this. I have the design in my mind for a new citation structure to use as the backend of a bookmark, similar to the old Links Manager. I can’t import till I’m happy with my data storage options.

Simple Location 3.6.0 Released

There is a new update to Simple Locations which adds some new features.

  • A query option for Micropub was added in a prior version and adjusted in this one. This is currently only supported in the Indigenous for Android app.  It allows the Android app to query the plugin for the name of the current location, to display and edit in the app.
  • Wikimedia Maps was added as a map provider, which is displayable without an API key
  • There’s a new setting that only shows altitude above a configurable height.

The biggest feature is Zones. Zones is a geofencing feature. If your location is inside the zone, it will not display the exact location, only a textual description.

Zones consist of a name, a location, and a radius around that location. If you are posting in the UI, it will replace the actual location name with that of the zone, and set the visibility to protected to add the actual coordinates.

If you are posted via Micropub, it will set the same, unless the location visibility property exists, and then it will follow that. Currently, this property is only supported by Indigenous for Android.

So, what does this mean? It means I am safe to post to my site and know that if I’m in one of these locations, it will obscure it unless I say otherwise. This is the first step to more granular visibility of location allowing me to store it in all posts, knowing that it won’t be shared specifically in areas I don’t want it to be shown in.

Replied to by nitinkhannanitinkhanna (

@dshanske sure, but do you post your battery level? @aaronpk does ->
And do you post detailed walks with GPS and photos? @johnjohnston does 🙂 ->…

Wasn’t suggesting there aren’t lots of good location based features. I love seeing what people come up with. I was trying to see if I could push someone else to add it. I want to add more location features. I just added private geofencing.
Replied to by nitinkhannanitinkhanna (

@dshanske I was just pulling your leg! Whenever I think about interesting features on blogs, these two names come up, and now yours. How does private geofencing work?

Well, geofencing is the idea of triggering an event when something enters, leaves, or is inside an area. The biggest issue I had with adding my location to posts was that sometimes, I didn’t want to be specific as to where I was. Now, if you are inside one of these zones, it will hide the actual location automatically and replace it with a text description, such as ‘Home’, or ‘Work’. (Like this post on my website).