Country: 🇺🇸 United States
MapHeading out
Went for a walk.
Simple Location 3.6.3 Released
Version 3.6.3 of Simple Location has been released. This adds Aaron Parecki’s Compass server as a location provider.
Location providers in Simple Location look up the current location of the user. As I write this, I realize that I set it up to globally look up the location, and I could make it, since Compass has users, allow for a different lookup per user. Future feature, I suppose, along with looking up historic location.
Since I hate to do just one thing, I added in a new weather provider that had been on my list, APIXU.
The goal I have in adding as additional providers that perform the same function…map, weather, location, reverse geocoding, elevation is that I do not want to be beholden to one company. If my access shuts down, I can switch to another one. Someday, I may implement automatic fallover.
First check-in using Indigenous.
I do not like JetBlue’s boarding situation where I am guaranteed to be forced to check my carry-on as a condition of an aisle seat.
Welcome Home.
JetBlue 1094 is delayed. Hopefully not a repeat of last time in AUS when it cancelled.