Someone I know was watching Back to the Future. Asked them some trivia questions. I remember entirely too much about that movie.
Kind:short content: a post or status update with just plain content and typically without a title
Attending a lunchtime digital discussion on the #1 Train from the New York Transit Museum. Attendees from around the country.
Watching the New York Gilbert and Sullivan Players live stream of HMS Pinafore.
Been hanging around my grandparent’s apartment, where I’m visiting, setting up the infrastructure I had to move out of my parent’s apartment due renovation. Added some new tricks. Running a wireguard gateway off a travel router, and pumping my DVR back at home through it so I can watch TV. Relocated the weather station, offline since May as well, need to get the sensors back online as well.
Nothing like a midnight flight…
Going through my list of itineraries over the last decade to add limited records of where I’ve been to my site. I think I also have paper tickets and old boarding passes as well somewhere I can merge in. Right now, these are just simple posts with the location and the time keyed to the departure time of the flight.
Trying to prevent humidifier lung. Didn’t realize that I might be causing problems by not cleaning my humidifier often enough.
Just used a $25 travel router flashed with OpenWRT to create a permanent Wireguard gateway from my grandparent’s old apartment to my apartment so I can access my server. Usually I use site-to-site between routers, but their building contract doesn’t allow for using your own router.
My biggest problem in wanting to share trips is timing. I enjoy taking pictures on trips, but I don’t want to spend time while on the trip going through the steps of choosing what to upload and uploading them. But when I upload later, the time and location data isn’t aligned unless I do so automatically.
So, what I’d like is the ability to select from the photos and decide which ones to upload, and have my site take care of posting them, rather than a one-by-one flow. I can probably build a basic version of that into my site, but I’d prefer a mobile app(of course, I won’t be creating one).
Tweaking my in flight WiFi to GPS Logging software.
It’s 4AM and I’m remoting into the first in-person IndieWebCamp since the pandemic started. Certainly easier than going to Dusseldorf, but hope to join the community in person next time.
Dean Stockwell passed away. As a Quantum Leap fan, I watched him many times.
Just ordered new movements for all the broken clocks in my apartment. Hopefully I can fix them all.
Launched a scanning project to scan and discard old papers of interest to regain the space. Not everything can be discarded, but finding a lot of interesting memories.