Lesley Gore passed away. Another legend has left us. She was only 68.
Kind:short content: a post or status update with just plain content and typically without a title
Testing Micropub support using Quill.
When I was a kid, I bought a weather rock. I feel like I just bought another one.
Trying a new way to subscribe to my content…the old school way. I wanted to test out the Postmatic service, so you can now scroll down to the bottom of the page, and subscribe to this post by email.
Tried making steam boiled eggs on my induction burner. Not bad. Such a combination of strange ways to do things.
Cleaning up, I’ve discovered how many of those blue Ikea bags I have.
Discovered the backing of my rugs had turned into fine powder, which has prompted a multi-week cleaning project.
I’ve been trying to reduce my clutter. I have boxes full of stuff I should be going through. The major thrust of the project so far involved rearranging my living room into a more open configuration. Now I’m getting into the…what do I throw out phase. I’m going to have to make some hard choices. I got rid of a broken bookcase for which Ikea no longer offers replacement parts.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to part with things?
I didn’t get my infrastructure in place to easily do a travelogue in advance. Maybe next time. I don’t want to be focusing on my phone.
There’s no cure like travel to help you unravel the worries of living today…
To all those who are celebrating Yom Kippur, may you have an easy fast.
Wednesday night begins the Jewish Holiday of Rosh Hashanah. May you be inscribed and sealed for a good New Year.
I ordered two identical cables on Friday afternoon. One got here today, the other got here tomorrow. What is Amazon thinking?
Cashier didn’t charge me for one item. I realized this outside and went back in to pay. Is that what most people would do?
I want to enhance this site with some photo capabilities. For this…I need some photos. I’m going to go take some next week. Bringing the non-cell phone camera.
Bought 6 pounds of beef, 4 pounds of turkey. I have a new burger press, 1000 pieces of patty paper and room in my freezer. Burgers anyone??