Realized that the IndieAuth for WordPress update I pushed last week, because it uses more secure SHA256 hashing, should have prompted people to refresh their tokens. Sorry everyone. You’ll have to revoke your old tokens and get new ones. Apologies. Good opportunity to visit the manage token page under the User menu if you’ve never seen it.
Kind:short content: a post or status update with just plain content and typically without a title
Tonight, I went to hear the megillah as tonight is Purim. I was remembering when I was in college, was sick, and someone came to my room to read the megillah and used my dresser as the bimah.
Indigenous for Android now supports a feature that was added in the version of Simple Location I just released. As part of the recent private geofencing feature I released, it now sends when the location is not to be disclosed to Indigenous, who sets it the interface appropriately(though it can still be overridden). Also released a few minor bugfixes.
I do not like JetBlue’s boarding situation where I am guaranteed to be forced to check my carry-on as a condition of an aisle seat.
I think I am the only one who posts my altitude to my website.
JetBlue 1094 is delayed. Hopefully not a repeat of last time in AUS when it cancelled.
In Austin for Indiewebcamp.
Heading to Austin on JetBlue.
Another journey begins
Got a notification from Amazon. "We thought you’d like a new smartphone." Yes, I would. I’m guessing they expect me to pay for it, right?
Tomorrow is ten years since US Airways 1549 made an emergency landing on the Hudson River. The miraculous confluence of circumstances that resulted in a plane full of passengers surviving such a situation is amazing. I could talk about that for a long while, but the first thought that came to me as I pondered it tonight was the first pictures being posted on Twitter.
The “Miracle on the Hudson” was the first event I recall noticing how the news was coming from Twitter. Twitter at that point felt new, open…encouraging of developers to build on top of it as a platform. It was when I realized that real time reliable information could be delivered to me as it was happening. It changed things for my perception.
It is now 10 years later, and people are looking for a way to recapture that, in the same way people look to recapture the old neighborhood when it changes.
Heading home on EI105, Dublin to JFK.
Nearly there… preparing to descend.
Finally got a direct GPS fix as I am next to the window. Let’s see how Indigenous for Android passes Altitude.
Heading to Dublin on EI104.