And so…my journey begins…as I embark on a 16 hour journey to my home for an extended business trip. I have never checked two bags before.
Kind:short content: a post or status update with just plain content and typically without a title
Why is it every time I ask a question at the Post Office, the woman at the counter literally screams that I want a supervisor? No wonder they feel they need a glass partition between us.
Last night, I upgraded my weather setup here at home. Outside, I have an Acurite 5 in 1 sensor, which measures rain, temperature, humidity, and wind. There is a newer version that adds UV. light intensity, and optionally lightning. One of the things missing is a barometer. So, I acquired a BME280, which is a temperature, humidity, and pressure sensor. I don’t do much Python, but it was the library I could find, so I hooked it into a Pi I already had running sensor collection, hacked together a script with the Adafruit library for the sensor to collect the data and publish it to an MQTT broker, then imported it into Weewx, where my data from the other sensor is stored. Fun. Trying to figure out what’s next. I don’t think I can do an outdoor sensor as easily.
Off to see a performance of the Mikado.
Chanukah is upon us next week, and I’ve added to my Youtube Chanukah playlist, which complements my digital music collection of Chanukah songs. It includes some fun ones from Acapella groups that do an annual Chanukah song. I have over 150 tracks otherwise…and may pick up more ideas… Sirius XM’s Radio Hanukkah launches December 20th to 31st on Channel 788. Chanukah is an 8 night holiday, gets 11 days of music. Christmas gets 11 Sirius channels that begin November 1st…Clearly we need more Chanukah songs…they are running out.
In 21 days, I am set to spent nearly two months living in a strange city out of a hotel room. The hotel room has a kitchenette. To make a hotel room like home, what should I bring? Both tech, entertainment, etc.
Version 4.2.0 of Syndication Links was released today. This version refactors the site to icon mapping to try to improve accuracy. It also includes:
- Adds support for generating a custom feed to syndicate to and pull back the links to your posts
- Add support for Bridgy Mastodon, courtesy of Charlotte Allen
- Visual enhancements to the Syndication metabox in the post editor, courtesy of Caspar Hübinger
And the usual miscellaneous bug fixes
Waiting for my flight home from IWC SF, the last Indiewebcamp of 2019. There were 13 this year, one online only. I participated in 12 of them, 6 in person. Here’s to more in 2020.
All that work and I was missing a trailing /. Here goes nothing.
Experimenting with a secret custom feed for triggered by Micropub.
Getting JetBlue data took longer than I thought due a parsing issue. Now I can track JetBlue data as well in flight. 3 airlines down…
I have always thought the TSA should get Disney Imagineering to design their checkpoints. They really know how to set up a queue. Catchy music, theming… maybe a people mover.
When I leave the country, I find streaming services don’t always work. So as I do other stuff, I’ve been ripping my physical media so I can have some entertainment if I need it. I have started, for some reason, with my box set of I Love Lucy.
My sleep tracking system just emailed me two years after I asked to tell me how I can export my sleep data in json format. What should I do with the data?