I’ve decided to bring back gadgetwisdom.com. I contributed to it in prior years, but it has been mostly inactive for a while. I’ll be restarting it to put some of my technical explorations on, away from my personal site. I’ve decided to blog about my recent weather station explorations there and some of my home automation projects.
During tonight’s online Indieweb NYC Meetup, I asked the question: If in 100 years, all historians had to learn about you was what was on your website…would that be enough?
I just pushed the first set of improvements to Parse This to support JSON-LD.  Parse This takes an incoming URL and converts  it to mf2 or jf2. It is used by Post Kinds and by Yarns Microsub  to handle this.

So, assuming the default arguments are set, the parser will, for a URL that is not a feed, look for microformats. If microformats lack a summary, content, or references(for jf2) property, it will try to parse JSON-LD. If this produces no results, it will try OGP and Meta Tags.

Even though I’m not fond of Schema.org or JSON-LD, more sites have rich data in  this format than Microformats and I want to be able to find author names and other properties  to display proper attribution and rich link previews for my replies, bookmarks, etc.

This will be available from the Github Repo for Parse This immediately, and will likely be available in the next refreshed release of any plugin using the library. JSON-LD will not be of much use to Yarns, as it does not parse single pages, only feeds at this time.

My name is David Shanske, david.shanske.com . I attended the last two Austin IndieWebCamps, but I was unable to attend this one. I am from New York, but I’m currently remoting in from Sofia, Bulgaria. This post is a great example of some of the things I like to play with. I have my current location imported automatically, the timestamp changed to where I am, and the weather. I can tick a box and syndicate to micro.blog, Twitter, etc. I am known in the community as the maintainer and a contributor to many of the Indieweb plugins for WordPress. I’m available remotely if someone at the camp needs help.
I am looking for reviewers to review PRs for me for the WordPress plugins in the Indieweb organization. I feel like any work I do that is part of the github.com/indieweb should have a second opinion at least. If anyone is interested, please tell me. Right now, we only have one regular reviewer other than me and I feel like we should spread it a bit. Qualifications are ability to read and discuss code critically.