Tempus Fugit Version 1.0 for WordPress Released

Tempus Fugit, my latest plugin, has been released. It is a split of several time based WordPress enhancements from other projects, something I intend to continue to iterate on.

  • The On This Day Archive pages, available at /onthisday and /onthisday/03/09
  • The On This Day Widget
  • All Date Based Archives now display in order from oldest to newest instead of vice-versa. If you are revisiting a day, it makes sense to do it in order.
  • Ordinal Days or Day of the Year functionality. Not only will /2021/03/09 work, but 2021/068 . You can also make this your permalink if you want.
  • It also adds the top level archives of:
    • /updated to show posts in order of last modified
    • /oldest to show posts in the order from old to new
    • /random to show posts in a random order.

All of these functions use functionality built into WordPress that isn’t normally public. I look forward to adding additional ways to enhance experiencing your website in different ways….because what your website always needs, as the tagline said, is more time.

David Shanske

My day job is in training for an airline. I also develop Indieweb WordPress plugins so that others can take control of their online identity.

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