Replied to Webmentions work log 20200113 by Jeremy Felt (

Why not, right?
I shipped a great bug yesterday. A big thanks to Chris Aldrich for catching that and sending me a DM today to let me know.
With all my cleverness around separating comment types for display below posts, I forgot to check for cases where there was some kind of Webmention, but no regul…

The approve and whitelist functionality in webmentions broke. It does need to be renamed, but the issue at the moment has to be traced through execution of both plugins to figure out why it is causing issues. Since some functionality is being moved from one plugin to the other, it is waiting on that. If you update a webmention it does work, but it isn’t triggering on initial creation.

I am eager to see custom comment types and statuses…I’ve been following those tickets since the beginning

I am looking for reviewers to review PRs for me for the WordPress plugins in the Indieweb organization. I feel like any work I do that is part of the should have a second opinion at least. If anyone is interested, please tell me. Right now, we only have one regular reviewer other than me and I feel like we should spread it a bit. Qualifications are ability to read and discuss code critically.
RSVPed Attending IndieWebCamp Online

IndieWebCamp Online 2020 is a two day online event for independent web creators of all kinds, from graphic artists, to designers, UX engineers, coders, hackers, to share ideas, actively work on creating for their own personal websites, and build upon each others creations.
Been unable to attend an i…

Sofia Synagogue

Opened in 1909, the Sofia Synagogue is one of the three largest in Europe. The Chandelier is supposedly the biggest in the Balkans.

On April 13, 1944, a bomb fell in the northeastern corner of the building, but did not explode. The building has been restored, and is used, but I could not find anyone who told me anything about services, if any.

Never Forget! flyer for eventI attended an event that I heard about while attending Friday night services at Chabad here in Sofia, in commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz.

In my walking tours of Sofia, the tour guides touched on the history of Bulgarian Jews during World War 2. At the event, one survivor spoke…the individual translating for me did not cover everything, but the same individual spoke the day before, and it was covered here.

If I got the gist correctly, he said that the idea that all Bulgarian Jews were saved was not true, there were victims. Either way, it’s complicated.

The documentary featured a survivor returning with school age children to tell them about what she experienced at Auschwitz and was very powerful.

As someone who has been to a fair number of Holocaust remembrance events, this was very meaningful to me, especially that I could be a part of it even though I was far from home, even though I did not understand everything that was said.


Replied to Manual Backfeed in the Blogosphere (BoffoSocko)

Forcing webmentions for conversations on websites that don’t support Webmention Within the IndieWeb community there is a process called backfeed which is the process of syndicating interactions o

Incredibly old…Is this your way of telling me that I need to update refbacks?