Simple Location for WordPress 4.1.12 Released

A new version of Simple Location is out. Version 4.1.12 has many under the hood tweaks/fixes, and only one major user facing feature, a redo of the caching system. The caching system is used by the weather system to avoid poling for the weather on every refresh. There is now a setting in each widget to set the cache frequency. I recommend at least 300 seconds(5 minutes). The weather won’t change that much, and if you are using an API key, this will reduce, assuming your site gets 1 visit per second, requests from 86400 to only 288 times a time.

I did try to implement trip support in this version, but due to issues, I have pushed that off to rethink.

David Shanske

My day job is in training for an airline. I also develop Indieweb WordPress plugins so that others can take control of their online identity.

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