Micropub 2.2.0 for WordPress Released

Micropub 2.2.0 has one major change in it. IndieAuth client code was removed. This code now lives in the IndieAuth plugin. This means that Micropub does not check for scopes. It uses the built-in WordPress capability system to determine if an action should be performed.

The IndieAuth plugin limits capabilities based on scope as of Version 3.5.0, so the capability checks will work perfectly.

On a practical note, this allows the code to be simpler on the Micropub side. The scope limiting code is unit tested now inside the IndieAuth plugin and will continue to be iterated on there.

This allows Micropub to focus on the publishing side of things. Also, there was a request to remove a dependency on IndieAuth.com as the default for the built-in code. The IndieAuth plugin has no external site dependencies by default.

David Shanske

My day job is in training for an airline. I also develop Indieweb WordPress plugins so that others can take control of their online identity.

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