Simple Location 4.0.6 for WordPress Released

Version 4.0.6 of the Simple Location plugin has been released. A lot of the under-the-hood improvements involved the development environment…working on some automations for code testing that I’m going to add to my other projects.  User facing, the following features are now available

  • HERE Maps is joined by using HERE as a Weather and a Reverse Geocoding provider. While doing this, I discovered they switched to an API key system, and updated the code appropriately. HERE Maps also has a new endpoint, so I switched to that as well.
  • I went through the API documentation for all of the existing weather endpoints and made some changes to standardize the units of measurement being stored.  Did you know a millbar and a hectopascal are essentially the same thing?
  • I added support for the Met Office, which offers several hundred stations in the UK. Like the US National Weather Service, it provides the closest one, and if there isn’t close, it returns nothing. Working on another station-based weather provider interested me in trying to add better support for personal weather stations.
  • If you have WP_DEBUG enabled, a new tab appears on the Location Settings page to allow you to see what data is returned by your provider. This is used mostly by me as the developer, but I’ve kept it in in case someone wants to troubleshoot the information they are getting.


David Shanske

My day job is in training for an airline. I also develop Indieweb WordPress plugins so that others can take control of their online identity.

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