Attending IndieWebCamp SF

This coming weekend I will be attending IndieWebCamp SF. I enjoy attending IndieWebCamps for my time off from my day job.

I am once again co-organizing and once again volunteering to handle the  video for the intros, sessions and demos. This means I will be bringing the equipment to record the sessions, which will be ultimately available online. You can watch our last event, in Berlin Germany, here. The intros, demos, and keynote are not yet up, but I’ve added most of the sessions. You can see examples of those at the prior event in Brighton UK, available here.

IndieWebCamps are a great place to talk about creating or updating your own website and the technologies or ideas around it. The first day involves sessions, the topics for which are chosen by the attendees. The second day is when you build and demo something you built the previous day.

It is a fun event at a minimal cost. If you are in the area, why not stop by?

When I leave the country, I find streaming services don’t always work. So as I do other stuff, I’ve been ripping my physical media so I can have some entertainment if I need it. I have started, for some reason, with my box set of I Love Lucy.