Episode 6: WordPress and Types of Posts

In this episode, Chris and I discuss how Post Kinds mapped Indieweb types of posts to the WordPress system and why, the defined as opposed to implied types set up, and avatars.

While this is very WordPress centric, there are a lot of discussions here relevant to a broader Indieweb audience about adding new types of posts to your site, trying to design things flexibly(although a developer’s guide is probably needed), etc.

I’ve decided I’m leaving Facebook…sort of. It starts with how I interface this site to Facebook…a site called Bridgy. It provides the ability to publish to Facebook and backfeed your comments back to my site.

Ryan Barrett, the man behind Bridgy and someone I probably pester entirely too often, announced on Thursday that he was shuttering Bridgy for Facebook entirely, as recent Facebook API changes had made it impossible for the service to work.

So now, if I want to post to Facebook, I would have to do so myself. I’m not sure I always want to do that, so you might see even less of me there. Sometimes, I likely will. And I won’t be able to save the interactions unless I manually save them.

Oh, well. Guess there is always Twitter.

Episode 7: The Reverse Salmention

In this last episode before Chris Aldrich and I head to the Indieweb Summit in Portland, Oregon, he and I discuss my continual messing up of people’s Indieweb experience, little things I’ve hidden in plugins, web-signin vs IndieAuth, etc.

We’re both looking forward to seeing those of you who can join us in Portland.