London Just Reopened the Entrance to This Underwater Tunnel for the First Time in 147 Years

Bookmarked London Just Reopened the Entrance to This Underwater Tunnel for the First Time in 147 Years by Alissa Walker (Gizmodo)

The first underwater tunnel ever built opened in London in 1843, paving a path for cities everywhere to expand beneath rivers and oceans. Today, the tunnel’s grand entrance hall reopens to the public for the first time in 147 years. The underground event space is part of an engineering museum that celebrates the famous family who built the tunnel—and much of London.

I read extensively about this some years ago when reading about the history of tunnel boring machines. If I ever get a chance to see this…

David Shanske

My day job is in training for an airline. I also develop Indieweb WordPress plugins so that others can take control of their online identity.

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