Post Kinds Improvements

For those who have been following my Indieweb activities, I have for a little over a year been developing a WordPress plugin called Post Kinds.  The plugin is based on the built-in Post Formats feature, but focuses on different types of specialized post types or kinds. I figured I would motivate myself by writing out some of the improvements under development.

Picking the right icons to represent the kinds has always been a challenge, because they were part of an icon font. Icon fonts are ‘fake’ fonts that are actually composed of symbols. The latest version of Post Kinds under development switches to SVG. SVG is a text format that defines a complex shape. As it is text, it can be embedded directly in the page. You can compare the two below.


New Post Kind Icons
Old Post Kind Icon Font
Old Post Kind Icon Font

Version 2.3.0

  • Enable the Jam post type. A Jam is used to share a particularly meaningful song you are listening to. distinguished from the existing Listen type, which is a more passive type designed to store songs you have listened to.
  • Support for start and end date, which will be used to enhance activity kinds. This will prepare for support for events, travel, and exercise in a future version. I really want to build travel in soon, but I have a lot to put in before all the pieces come together.
  • Improvements in parsing to bring in better and more consistent data from URLs provided.
  • Help within the plugin. This will be the first version to add built-in help.

This version will not go out until the above, as well as improved presentation(which I’m currently building) are complete. I’ve been working on the presentation rewrite for over a week now, trying to make it a significant improvement over the previous incarnation.


David Shanske

My day job is in training for an airline. I also develop Indieweb WordPress plugins so that others can take control of their online identity.

2 Responses

  1. David, as always, thanks for your diligent work on this module!
    I love the look of the new changes and the concept of “Jam” as well as the idea of “travel”. Will the “Listen/Jam” and “Watch” versions include start/stop times as well? And/or will they also include a running time field?

  2. Hi David
    I’m getting this error:
    Warning: array_key_exists() expects parameter 2 to be array, boolean given in /home/public_html/ on line 180
    Any ideas on how to fix this? I’m running WP 4.4.2.
    Many thanks

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